
We are a collective of enthusiasts who complement each other with knowledge and skills. Thanks to the extensive experience of the entire team, we effectively and efficiently install projects from a wide range of our services. We focus on professionalism and a high level of customer service — we know how important it is to act quickly and accurately in this industry. We also do not forget that our role is not only to create, analyse and verify data but also to provide peace of mind to our clients. That is why we make sure that our business partners have as little as possible of obligations related to 'traditional' geodetic work, i.e., documentation and offices — we take them on our shoulders. Check [here] for more information.

Sławomir Sawko
Chief Managing Director
classical surveing, coordination
Engineer — a graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy and Spatial Management at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, extensive experience — 36 years in total — in geodesy.

Co-owner of the company. For 18 years, he carried out projects as a military surveyor, since 2003 he has been working in the civil sector. He has surveying qualifications I and II.
Tomasz Sawko
Chief Operating Officer
photogrammetry, scanning, bathymetry
Master of Science — a graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy and Spatial Management at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, 9 years of experience in geodesy.

Co-owner of the company. Enthusiast of new technologies and implementation of effective solutions. He carries out tasks in acquiring new customers and cares about relationships with current business partners.
Konrad Sawko
Chief Financial Officer
investment surveing, valuations, investment service
Master of Science — a graduate of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, with 11 years of experience in geodesy.

Co-owner of the company. Thanks to a lot of experience, he is primarily responsible for creating cost estimates tailored to the expectations, needs, and capabilities of customers. With over a decade in the industry, Konrad also supervises current projects and works on transmission networks.
Rafał Jastrzębski
Analytics of spatial information systems and archival databases expert
property divisions, classical surveing
Technician surveyor with a considerable 19-years of experience in geodesy.

Rafał is the undisputed leader in conducting geodetic analyses of archival materials. Furthermore, he handles any work related to property divisions, renewals of border points, building delineation and land and building records.
Marta Nowakowska
Digitization and verification of geodetic documentation expert
cartography, surveing
Kameralistka, technik geodeta z ogromną wiedzą i doświadczeniem – od 30 lat w branży geodezyjnej.

Specjalistka w dziedzinie mapy numerycznej, analogowej oraz hybrydowej. Zajmuje się głównie kartowaniem obiektów GESUT, BDOT i EGiB oraz weryfikacją spójności i jakości dokumentacji z opracowań geodezyjnych.

W ramach dotychczasowej kariery uczestniczyła w co najmniej kilku tysiącach opracowań geodezyjnych i kartograficznych, za każdym razem z pełnym zaangażowaniem oraz starannością

Szymon Seklecki
Bathymetry and field operations coordination specialist
field surveying, bathymetry
Master of Science — a graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy and Spatial Management at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, 5 years of experience in geodesy.

Szymon conducts bathymetric projects, as-built inventories, as well as supervises and rectifies geodetic equipment (levels, theodolites, total stations, plummets and other devices).
Tomasz Maćkiewicz
Photogrammetry and process automation specialist
photogrammetry, scanning
Master of Science — a graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy and Spatial Management at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, 3 years of experience in geodesy.

Tomasz constantly develops skills related to performing drone raids and laser scanning. He has UAV, VLOS and BVLOS qualifications — he controls the drones quickly and efficiently in all conditions. Tomasz works with CAD environment — rasters, clouds, AI, and VR.
Filip Janiak
Cubature investments and fleet administration specialist
engineering surveying, real estate divisions
Engineer, graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography at the Gdańsk University of Technology, 3 years of experience in geodesy.

Filip is great for all orders requiring precision and thorough data analysis. In the company, he mainly deals with cubature investments and property divisions. He also supervises the fleet of company cars.
Mateusz Jarzemski
Młodszy Specjalista ds. Geodezji
cartography, numerical map
Technik geodeta, od roku związany zawodowo z branżą geodezyjną. Uprawniony pilot UAV kategorii NSTS-06. Aktualnie student na kierunku Geodezji i Kartografii Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie.
Od rozpoczęcia kształcenia w technikum geodezyjnym Mateusz zdobywał zdolności i doświadczenie w naszej firmie w różnej formie praktyk, stażów i szkoleń.

 Zaangażowanie i sprawność manualna pozwala Mateuszowi czynnie uczestniczyć w większości zleceń geodezji klasycznej jak i w zleceniach wykraczających poza konwencjonalne techniki pomiarowe.

W firmie zajmuje się głównie realizacją MDCP, inwentaryzacji powykonawczych i wytyczeń budynków, asystuje również przy podziałach nieruchomości.
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